3 Ways To Earn Extra Money Fast 1. Sell items around your home. This is pretty straight forward. Most of us have unused items laying around the house that we could get rid of. If you need the extra money spend the time to go through your belongings and look for items you no longer need/use. If you are really in a pinch for money sell items that you may use or have value you. This can be a little harder and more emotional but you decide what is more important. There are plenty of options to sell your items such as online on places like Ebay, Poshmark and Mercari. Facebook marketplace is also an online selling platform but you can sell items to your local community for cash that day. There is nothing wrong with the good old fashioned garage sale either. It is a quick way to get cash. 2. Resell items from the thrift store This is takes more time then selling items around your house but thrift stores are full of items that could be sold for more elsewhere. The be...
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A Tortoise and Hare decide to race. The hare is so confident in the lead that he naps while the tortoise keeps going to win. Slow and Steady progress over time is the key to building both physical strength and lasting wealth When you are focusing on making your body physically stronger this process takes time. A properly programmed strength training you slowly add weight to the bar. Lets say during week 1 of your training program you squat 135lbs. In week 2 if you add another 45 pound plate and put 225 on the bar could you do it? Maybe if you are lucky, however this the hare approach to strength training. You will hit a wall in a hurry. You missed all the progress that could be made from squatting weighing 140-220. The proper weight selection during week 2 would be 140 or 145 pounds that is all. Not only is this safe for the body...